
globe by nicola-matteo munari from italy

designer's own words:

moleskinerie gives users a possibility of sharing, free and equal for everyone, without limits of any kind.
the principles that characterize moleskinerie are the same that made the history of moleskine: freedom of expression, idea of journey and intellectual quality.
the globe, designed in a simple and iconic way, becomes a symbol that expresses this principles universally, creating a strong link between the historical and legendary dimension of moleskine – giving the idea of journey and adventure – and the contemporary dimension of moleskinerie – through the idea of boundless sharing, made possible by today technology.
an endless journey…

the logo, consisting of a figurative mark and a ‘handwritten’ logotype.

nmglobe02.jpg the application of the logo in moleskinerie homepage.

nmglobe03.jpg some chromatic variations which reflects the ideas of earth, air and water, nature and paper.

nmglobe04.jpg the functioning of the logo in large, medium and very small dimensions.

nmglobe05.jpg the hand drawing used as starting point.

nmglobe06.jpg a printed example of the logo.