Moleskine made

Moleskine made by matteo carrubba from italy

designer's own words:

CONCEPT: communicate the archetype of the moleskine notebook right from the logo - have an iconic element that can be used toghether with the logotype but also alone, still keeping recocgnizability and character.
KEY FEATURES: flexibilty on the application - a little visual trick in order to be more memorable - same font set as moleskine logo in order to force connection to the mother brand - use of shadows and color gradients to enrich digital experience as primary usage.

Logo for high quality print – standard version

logo3ddetailp.jpg Detail of the logomark

logovarp.jpg Color variation for brand architetcture variations

logo3d1colorep.jpg one color versions for silkscreen print

logo3dapp.jpg Logo application on digital media

logo3dpinv.jpg Logo for high quality print – standard version inverted