create and share

create and share by Luba from uk

designer's own words:

The idea behind “moleskinerie logo1” is artistic ideas in one’s head those can be realised by using pen and paper ( moleskine notebook) and than they can be shown and discussed on site. The logo has got a human’s face profile shape that is at the same time a shape of a moleskine diary’s page.

The idea behind “moleskinerie logo2” and the idea behind “moleskinerie logo2a”: fingerprints “prints” of computer keyboard’s symbols on a moleskine notebook surface. That shows that the same person uses moleskine notebook and then a computer to communicate to other people and discuss things about art etc.

The idea behind “moleskinerie logo3”: shows the link between using moleskine products ( a shape of moleskine’s diary page used in this logo) that one uses to draw and explain his/her artistic ideas ( pencil shape with a wing like end) and then uses internet to share them to others ( type symbol).

moleskinerie logo1

mole5_.jpg moleskinerie logo2

copy_1_mole3.jpg moleskinerie logo2a

mole7.jpg moleskinerie logo3