home is wherever your heart is

home is wherever your heart is by miguel angel pulido from spain

designer's own words:

walker, your treads are / the path, and nothing more; / walker, there is no path, / the path is made when walking (spanish poet antonio machado, 1912) | information. nomad objects to a moving identity // moleskine is shown to us as a selection of nomad objects related to our moving identity like tools that work as an extension of our personality. moleskine is synonym of creative instrument that helps us to define who we are, following us all around the world. nowadays the “black book” analogy finds new virtual paths where users acquire a prominent role: distances shorten and identities dilute. | challenge. object as speaker // we look for an up-to-date solution, ingenious and alternative, where we can place the object/notebook as an active element without losing the essence of the registered trademark. our experience through the interaction with the object reinforce the concept of building an own and different from others identity. our challenge, therefore, consists of picking up moleskine’s essence, its key values (culture, memory, imagination, personality) and reinforce them with new qualities such as the own features of a person opposite the rest of people and his/her natural ability of movement. we have to foster the appreciation of being yourself, different from others thanks to the relation with the objects. | solution. home is wherever your heart is // we can behave humanely with an object as much as this object behaves humanely with us. the object is meaningful to a certain extent if it is rich in history and literary associations. through the image of the house, we allude to the spiritual sense of home as a place where the unity of human beings in terms with the objects takes place. house and home are decisive elements that let people develop the sense of ego, the sense of themselves as members of certain places as g. bachelard says: “ for our house is our corner of the world. as has often been said, it is our first universe, a real cosmos in every sense of the world. (…) all really inhabited space bears the essence of the notion of home. (…) in this remote region memory and imagination remain associated, each one working for their mutual deepening. in the order of values, they both constitute a community of memory and image”. there is a clear parallelism between house and body as memory stores. for each person, home can be forest, desert, moon, a ship on the sea, a dear friend, certain city or a collection of circumstances. all of these alternatives correspond and contribute to the vital experience of self-knowledge. | manzini, enzo. artefactos: hacia una nueva ecología del ambiente artificial. celeste ediciones. madrid, 1992 // mcdowell, linda. género, identidad y lugar. ediciones cátedra. madrid, 2000 // bachelard, gaston. the poetics of space. beacon press. boston, 1994 // aras (the archive for research in archetypal. symbolism). el libro de los símbolos. reflexiones sobre las imágenes arquetípicas. taschen. köln, 2010.

brand on white background

mr02.jpg brand negative version

mr03.jpg brand on color background

mr04.jpg brand on color background

mr05.jpg brand on imagery

mr06.jpg brand on imagery