La Vie C'est Belle

La Vie C'est Belle by raphael morais from portugal

designer's own words:

in this project i made the shirt, poster and bag in white background (as the contest asks to do) and also the same project but with more colours to see in one other prespective. i also re-created a new image of the laughing cow to comemorate the 90th birth and to give my tribute, respect and thank you for the best cheese in the world.

Poster (2 colours: red and black)

copy_2789_2.jpg Bag (2 colours: red and black)

copy_213_6.jpg Shirt (2 colours: red and black)

copy_2395_3.jpg Poster (with more colours)

copy_2868_1.jpg Bag (with more colours)

copy_319_5.jpg Shirt (red shirt)