a universal moleskinerie logo

a universal moleskinerie logo by jon patterson from usa

designer's own words:

the act of blogging originated from the term web log, which was later instilled as "we blog", to todays use—"blog". blogs are essentially a place for people to voice their opinions, advice, discussions—really anything that involves language and interaction with other people.

this logo study takes the concept of a speech bubble, and juxtaposes its' form with the iconic shape of a moleskine notebook that consumers have come to recognize—creating a recognizable symbol to use universally without any language.

shown is the logotype and symbol.

moleskinerie logotype

jpatterson_moleskine_symbol_bk.jpg moleskinerie symbol black

jpatterson_moleskine_symbol_wt.jpg moleskinerie symbol white

jpatterson_moleskine_symbol_group.jpg moleskinerie symbol grouped