laughing since 1921

laughing since 1921 by steve hallock from usa

designer's own words:

lacking a scanner, digital pad of any sort, or even a mouse, i literally drew the image on a post-it note with a pencil, and then photographed it with my computer's built-in camera, and from there went about working on it in cs.

i was interested in showing a fairly literal interpretation of the "laughing cow", using my background in stenciling to visualize a simplified image of what, in reality, might be the closest to laughter that a cow could actually muster.

i also wanted that image, sans outside text, to stand somewhat on its own, so i incorporated the "90" into it directly. not wanting the accompanying text portion to be too redundant, it states "laughing since 1921", rather than explicitly using the term "90 years", or something similar.

after going through a few variations, i found one i was happy with.

lvqr, laughing since 1921