simply the o by sonja putz from austria
designer's own words:
this is simple:
moleskinerie sounds like 'little moleskine'. therefor small font letters. looks round to me: there is o's, a point... so lets take that o/the circle.
the 'o' works filled. coloured. just outlined. with pattern. with couloured pattern if wished so. different patterns applied to the 'o' could stand for different collections or be chosen for special occasions without loosing the recognisability of the logo.
version osne. couloured and couloured dot
simple logo version two: just outline-colour and coloured dot
simple logo version three: with pattern, without outline, to be filled out with any pattern (uni-or multi-couloured) to distinguish collections
simple logo version four: with pattern, without oultine,to be filled out with any pattern (uni-or multi-couloured) to distinguish collections