Allen Zadeh : : Renault eleve by Allen Zadeh from usa
designer's own words:
renault eleve is a design study aims to capture the iconic style of renault 4. the sprit of this contemporary interpretation is expressed with attributes of energetic, versatile, positive and easygoing. these qualities builds on the rich heritage of renault 4 recreating the magical experience with an iconic style.
renault concept eleve is curious student of planet, always adopting and learning from the environment. it integrates itself to peoples daily needs by it’s hybrid materiality and flexible construction. inspired by fashion and architecture it considers, learns from the planet through materials and constructions. all exterior panels are customizable and exchangeable made of recycled composites. all interior parts are customizable and made out of recycled textiles.
interior: welcoming, easygoing, minimalistic, intimate relaxation.
exterior: capable, versatile, positive, energetic