since 2004, san francisco-area landscape artist andres amador has been printing on sand his large-scale organic drawings inspired by fractals. equipped with just a rake, the artist etches his massive illustrations on sand during full moon nights, when his canvas reaches its largest potential. as the tide goes up, the massive-scale, intricate sand paintings disappear shortly after they are created, like a kind of modern, living sand mandala.

andres amador prints ephemeral sand patterns on beaches around the world
all images by andres amador



‘the focus of my work for the past 15 years is the ever-evolving earthscape art series, inspired by my study of calligraphy, ancient architecture, and science of all disciplines,’ comments andres amador on his official artist statement. ‘the artwork on beaches can span over 100,000 feet (~35,000 sqm), achievable only during low tide when the beach is revealed.’

andres amador prints ephemeral sand patterns on beaches around the world



‘with tight time constraints and big goals, I am posed with the question: ‘how does one create from within that which one is creating?’ the artist continues. ‘exploring this concept of self-creation has brought me to investigate natural and human-devised systems of structure and growth. my artworks do not last long- within minutes of finishing a piece, and often while still in progress, the returning tide begins resetting the canvas. through this art form, I have come to value the contemplative act of creation for its own sake. the entire act becomes a meditation of being in the moment, of celebrating and being at peace with life- and death. my wish is for the viewer to experience a sense of wonder, immediacy, and appreciation for the fleeting aspects of our lives.’

 andres amador prints ephemeral sand patterns on beaches around the world



the past 15 years have seen amador sketch over 1,000 designs onto different beaches around the world. ‘during low tide, I have a wet canvas that’s as big as the beach will offer me and I’ll rake on that which turns over the sand that is a bit dry on the top but it’s still wet below and so that contrast, those lines, those are my brush strokes,’ commented amador on a video by wired which you can watch below.


you can see more of andres amador’s art, including process pictures and videos on his instagram account here.



andres amador prints ephemeral sand patterns on beaches around the world

andres amador prints ephemeral sand patterns on beaches around the world

andres amador prints ephemeral sand patterns on beaches around the world

andres amador prints ephemeral sand patterns on beaches around the world

andres amador prints ephemeral sand patterns on beaches around the world



project info:


name: sand patters

artist: andres amador