new renault 4 green power by giorgio saulini from italy
designer's own words:
thought as a hibrid car, it uses the electric engine for the urban drive and the petrol engine for the long-distance drive.
recycled aluminium, canapa and biofiber : the main features of a circular car
aluminium, that has been used for many years in motor industry, is an incredible material, both for its physical-mechanical and recyclable properties.
in fact it can be recycled countless times without losing its natural features, and its production is obtained by using only 5% of the energy that is usually required to get it from mineral.
potencially, using recycled alluminium for the body and for other parts of the car, it could be possible to:
- save energy needed to produce prime material, with a resulting reduction of mining activities;
- reduce greenhouse emissions;
- minimize disposal costs.
furthermore, with canapa and its innovative by-products, it could be possible to upholster most of car interior like seats, mats, even the roof or the doors.
the dashboard area and the other rigid parts of the car will be built up by different biofibre used as additive for different biopolymer, depending on resistance and lightness required.
the dashboard is composed by one body part sustained only trough the central command panel. behind the panel it is possible to put a bag, still ensuring enough leg-room.
in front of the passenger seat thereis a little extension desk where a 17" portable pc can be placed.
in this way the insides of the car are characterized by a minimal design that joins together functionality and elegance.