
fioretto by monica mazza from italy

designer's own words:

fioretto is a door handle inspired by a sword. the concept of the project is based on the idea that the door handle is composed by a shiny thin blade, the handle, and a decorated hilt, the cover.
the cover in fact is bowl shaped like the hilt of a sword and is any longer a minor part of the door handle as it has a double function both technical, to hide the parallel pin that joins the handles, and aesthetic, to provide a revolutionary aspect for the door handle.
the cover-hilt is hemispherical and has a slim cut in order to be slipped on the blade/handle.
the door handle is shaped like a blade and has a cylindrical extremity in order to contain the parallel pin.
fioretto is the name of the ancient kind of sword that inspired my job and that is why i have chosen this name for my door handle. i have imagined two kinds of finishing for the cover-hilt, both designed looking at decorative patterns used in the past for wrought iron.
for fioretto 1 i designed a hilt-cover with a mat surface decorated with embossed polished knobs. also for fioretto 2 the finish of the hilt-cover is mat in order to be in contrast with the sparkling of the blade-handle; the decoration is composed by star shaped incisions inspired by an ancient sword. actually it’s possible to design many other decoration motifs for the cover as there are different kinds of hilts for different kinds of swords in different historical periods.
i think that fioretto is an innovative idea of door handle that joins the functional aspect with the aesthetic need of beauty. like a sword fioretto has a practical use and a representative value for the owner. it can suit all kinds of doors and i find particularly interesting the contrast between old style decoration patterns of the cover-hilt and modern doors.
just like a sword fioretto door handle defends the door.

foil 1:frontal view

copy_16_02.gif foil 2: frontal view

copy_14_03.gif foil: model

copy_1_04.gif foil: plan view

copy_1_05.gif foil: frontal and lateral view

copy_0_06.gif foil: drawing