
Pontiac by alexander horn from usa

designer's own words:

We are living much longer than any other preceding generation. As a result more and more of the population worldwide will require their environments to adapt while they progress through life. These environments must be sustainable as well. Ease of use, and ease of reuse. The Pontiac door handle is designed to be manufactured from readily available scrap metal aluminum, gathered from architectural salvage and or recycled automobiles. It simple shape leads to the reduction of manufacturing post processing, which in turn requires less energy to manufacture. The door handle is finished with a simple environmentally sustainable vibratory walnut shell tumble finish, with a water soluble clear coat to protect the base metal from oxidation. This door handle will last many generations with little maintenance and it's easily recyclable.

Pontiac door handle (design)

flatfinal2.jpg Pontiac door handle (installation appearance)

flatfinal3.jpg Pontiac door handle (appearance)

flatfinal4.jpg Pontiac door handle (appearance)