Eleganz by en ji from germany
designer's own words:
I. the feather - using the basic material type - sheet metal -with cutting and bending, then turn it to a form of door handle, looking like a feather, light but strong.
II. the Key - the door handle is also like the "key" of the doors, leading someone from space into another space. we use it as a symbol, a image to creat this door handle - the Key.
III. the origin - thick vines have been long time used to produce or design furniture, after bending it, through some chemical process and lock it with screw into the base, then it will become a woody, comfortable door handle.
IV. avian - simple and elegant, two concepts that was used to create the handle doors. a handle door that can be beautiful and for a quotidian usable, in a house or in an office.
V. amicizia - happiness and funny, was the keyword to create this handle door. trying to capture the feeling when something good happens, like a trip with friends. Knowing that difference forms can work together, like friends. taking this feeling and bringing for our homes or offices.
the feather
the key
the origin