The Thumb Wrestler by maxwell halberstadt from usa

designer's own words:

The idea to turn a boring door handle into a resemblence of a fun game that you will win every time came into my mind while thumb wrestling my roommate. He has the longest thumbs and I can never seem to beat him. Then it hit me, what if I were to design a door handle that resembled my friend's hand that in order to open it required me to beat it...Success!!!! The design behind this door handle requires the materials to be of some sort of metal for extreme durability because trust me, nobody will want to actually let it go and will use it more than necessary. Through production the question of what the opposite sided door handle will look like is very easy because it will be the exact same thing just with the opposite hand (will require two separate molds). The size is to be resembling a very average sized human hand and is guaranteed to express beautiful aesthetics as well as function. The user's hand will interlock with the handle's four fingers with comfort and ease and the user will be able to easily apply the needed pressure to operate the thumb lever...thus winning the "Thumb War"

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