
Hang by Doel Fresse from usa

designer's own words:

The hang doorknob adds a functional twist to a minimal and uncomplicated formal design. Hang’s outside knob is a plain, thick and seamless cylinder showing only two shallow indentations going all the way back until meeting a stocky, circular rose, comfortably welcoming the user’s fingers and allowing the turning of the knob. Hang’s inside knob however, is an altogether different story and gives the design it’s name.
The same thick and seamless indented cylinder of the outside knob is preceded here by a rose significantly longer than on the other side. Noticeably, it sticks out more from the door, showing the same indentations on the knob, but sideways, flush with the corners of the former. Since the rose is fixed and cannot turn, it accommodates the hanging parts of whatever objects are placed on it, effectively separating the turning motion of the knob from the static weight of the objects. This allows the smooth operation of the knob, even with objects weighing down on it, which is quite cumbersome in normal doorknobs and nearly impossible on a door handle, where hanging items tend to fall right off when it is turned from either side.
The design of the hang doorknob’s components contemplates adherence to normal manufacturing processes in Colombo’s internal production cycle. Its interior components are standard to many of Colombo’s existing doorknob models and could be manufactured in normal brass and chromall alloys. Basic finishes for residential and commercial use are proposed in chrome and mat chrome, and would comply to Colombo’s aim of producing products with minimum maintenance requirements.
The straightforward functionality of hang’s form is what makes its design so bafflingly simple. Its ample versatility, together with the many possibilities for installation in all sorts of use scenarios, could provide for possible variations of its exterior materials, in order to better accommodate different use patterns, intensities and color or texture preferences. This, in turn, greatly maximizes hang’s potential of catering to an even broader range of clients.

Presentation Cover

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