
retro by pedro martins from portugal

designer's own words:

this project is about interpretation. understanding the past and building from it.
we began with the idea of rich materials and their past implementation on door handles. the main idea is to bring back that richness into today’s design language, from material to form.
we chose the ceramic as an ideal medium, a classic, and appealing material.
the design is structured in three main parts: a stainless steel structure, a hand-painted ceramic handle and a clean ceramic rose.
our primary design concern was the interconnection of the steel structure with the ceramic handle, both formally and functionally. the slim steel structure (12mm diameter) morphs into the exact shape of the larger ceramic handle, doing so in an asymmetrical way. the result is a subtle and clean design, in which the ceramic part doesn’t come out of a metal casing but is independent of any other parts, including the steel cap at the end which connects to an internal steel structure for added robustness.
this way, the ceramic handle assumes a central role and, taking advantage of the ceramic process in itself, it can be manufactured in various shapes and painted with any pattern or design, classical or contemporary that would fit the door or the surrounding space.
the rose, as a mostly decorative element is presented with a slight bevel and inclination that supports the metal structure but isn’t excessively ornamental overshadowing the handle.
we believe this can be a very successful design that features strong classical designs elements reworked into a clean structure that makes it appealing especially for high-end renovations and interior design projects.

panel 1 – render and concept

retro_2_web.jpg panel 2 – technical drawings

retro_3_web.jpg panel 3 – renders