Handle with care by andrea löfflerová from slovak republic
designer's own words:
Minimalistic, laconic design, basic shapes make this handle a bit inconspicious,at the first sight. But it is just a visual effect. It´s true that look of this handle is not so unique and memorable, as maybe some other one,but it´s also not the point of the handle. This handle was designed not to have artistic visual effect but as a functional object made to handle with it. The most important part of this handle is the relief decor on the back side of handle, the side which can´t be observed. Visual function of the decor is replaced by function of tactile stimulus. This special trait makes it so catchy ,memorable and significant.thanks to this special feature, everybody will remember the handle,so invisible by its minimalism, that it surprises a man any next time he will touch it as for the first time.
Material: brushed steel