cube squared

cube squared by burcu turkay from norway

designer's own words:

although this handle gives the impression of having a completely new working principle, it works like any other door handle. the user is not faced with a new mechanism, but only a new, surprising design. the standard working mechanism also makes it possible to use this handle on different door types.

conventional handles change their alignment while opening, however, when you use this handle, the right part preserves its horizontal alignment. as a result, you can use this handle easier in different ways. for instance, when your hands are full and you need to open the door using your elbow, it is much more easier to use this handle compared to standard handles.

as the body of the handle comes in two separate pieces, it is possible to use different materials for each piece. this enables the production of a wider range of variations of this handle.

my main motivation when designing this handle is to keep the design and function as simple as possible, but on the other hand, offer a new, different user experience.


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