
soliddrop by jovito oliveira from portugal

designer's own words:

In order to participate in this contest it was necessary the execution of a door knob to the company COLOMBO, contest in which was asked the abstention of any technology innovation and aggressive styles, therefore I proposed to conceive a simple but very capable object, functionally speaking.

The door knob I executed has as its basic concept a water drop, which solidifies, seeking an ergonomic shape. This object also follows the already existent line of door knobs, produced by the designers of COLOMBO.

The target audience to this object is population in general, because its constructive method will make a reasonable price, which can be afford by families in the medium and lower class. The absence of straight lines and corners, make this door knob very efficient, specially to places often frequented by children.

The materials chosen to the construction of the door knob is brass (due to its low price) and, to finish, it will be chromed.

The production system will be forging for mold and later it will be sanded.

To conclude the description, it is calculated and estimate cost of 12€.


copy_1_painel_2.jpg exact drawings

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