CTC lever handle

CTC lever handle by hironari minami from japan

designer's own words:

As background information, I personally believe designer should be a good user before designing products. With skilled user-point of view, designers should judge their work, "Do I really use it in daily life as a user?" and finally introduce their work in the market with responsibility. Marketing often imagine how target people would use a product. I think no-one can imagine exactly how the other people use things except myself. So designers should try and error with hands, design things "I" use first then secondary someone would like. In this competition, I shaped my belief into reality.

The shape itself came out from an experiment of fusing solid and organic shape to suit contemporary lifestyle and to fit our hands. The biggest challenge was integrating cylindrical shape and solid shape into smooth shape.

In production, it will be made from stainless-steel, one of the most robust materials, which will be manufactured by casting first, sand-blasted to erase casting line and brushed to achieve mat surface finish.

ctc 01

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