Suit Up

Suit Up by pedro resende from portugal

designer's own words:

Suit Up is a cork “suited” door handle. This choice of a fully recyclable material is a manifesto of Colombo Design’s “Green Made Time” philosophy. Smooth and warm to the touch, Suit Up will be an elegant choice in any residential or public project.
We tried to think “out of the box”, and the result is a door handle that maintains its heritage in form, but innovates introducing cork as a design material.
Cork can assume almost any form and thickness, this versatility makes the production/manufacturing process possible and cheap.
We believe that this eco-friendly product is also a powerful marketing tool. The Reason? - It’s both new and sustainable. In that sense, the use of cork, in the making of door handles, can be a way for Colombo Design to succeed in its environmental and economical goals.

