
surf by alfonso giannone from italy

designer's own words:

To handle this I was inspired by the sea waves, by analyzing two main situations: when the sea is calm, hence with calm water having flat and straight shape, and when the sea is agitated by the waves, characterized by curved waves.
This concept brings together and compare the two personalities strengthened by the involvement of the washer and the nozzle, which in this way makes it a more exclusive work, managing to create new visual and dynamic situations.
For example, if we look at the frontal view, it is clear the impression that, in the part of the whaser, thanks to two "waves", opposed to each other, a central part is created, where it is attached to the handle, which looks like a hollowed area: the same effect is obtained on the nozzle by creating a sort of motion blur.
Looking at the side view, you can still see that the parties are perfectly levelled, ensuring the necessary functions of use.



