Open it whit a bang!

Open it whit a bang! by bob jacobs from belgium

designer's own words:

For this challenge I wanted to take a look at particular objects that we don’t get to handle in our everydaylife. Objects with a history, and were designed to fit the hands of a humanbeing. An object we ‘know’ by the popular media of today.
In this search I found two very recognizable objects; brass knuckles and a pistol. These are objects who both have a violent history and the function of hurting and killing. By giving them a new function they become less violent, something you use everyday. In this way you can open doors whit brass knuckles and a pistol.

In the attachement you find some pictures of the prototype I developed of the gun, so you can get an idea of where I’m heading for.
In a further stadium I see this as a series of different types of pistol-handles.

Picture1 Pistol

bobjacobs_gunhandle2.jpg Picture2 Pistol

bobjacobs_pistol.jpg Plan Pistol

bobjacobs_brace_knuckles.jpg PLan Brace knuckles