hyperrealistic sculptor tony matelli presents his latest work ‘josh’ together with long island’s ‘alone gallery’ — the first exhibition space designed to be experienced in isolation. while the gallery was developed in response to the challenges posed by COVID-19, no gallery staff will be present as the visitor with no more than three quarantine partners are left alone with the exhibition. floating alone in the center of the empty space, the disturbingly life-like ‘josh’ transforms the gallery into a chamber of self reflection.

josh alone gallery
images by john kennard



a disturbingly lifelike man in cargo shorts, a creased white tee, and blue plaid button down, tony matelli’s ‘josh’ floats in a transcendental lift-off at the alone gallery. the work is expressed with eyes half open in an unfocused daze. the artist seeks to invite viewers to compare his isolation with their own. perhaps the subject is finally enlightened, or frighteningly untethered to the world. josh is surrounded by dusty mirrors with smiley faces, expletives, and tic tac toe games childishly drawn onto their surfaces. the dust is actually layers of pigmented urethane — another matelli trick which invites the viewer to question reality. together these elements transform the gallery into an inward-looking space of introspection.

josh alone galleryjosh alone gallery tony matelli josh tony matelli josh tony matelli josh

josh alone gallery josh alone gallery josh alone gallery



project info:


project title: josh

artist: tony matelli

gallery: alone gallery

location: 26 ardsley road, wainscott, NY 11975

photography: john kennard