a tribute to 2000 year old craft

a tribute to 2000 year old craft by Vallabh Rastogi from india

designer's own words:

most door handles these days are highly polished surfaces that can become slippery at times when used. the dhokra handle with fine contours provides a better grip when in use. the shape of the handle is such that it fits well in the palm. It gets thin in the center and gradually becomes thicker towards the end. a wide area in the beginning gives enough space for the thumb to rest. this makes the handle very easy to use.
the surface has been developed using the lost wax casting technique which is popular in south east state of india called chattisgarh. artisans who have made this handle have been practising this craft from generations and this is developed as a tribute to their dexterity.
while developing this handle the artisans were also educated about the basics of ergonomics and how small details can add value to the product. this was probably the most satisfying part of this product development exercise.

front view

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