project:door handle(alexander tserovski)

project:door handle(alexander tserovski) by alexander tserovski from bulgaria

designer's own words:

dear sir/madam,

my name is alexandar tserovski and I am a student of the national academy of art in sofia, bulgaria.
i would like to present my door handle's project.
according to your design line, i have chosen clear forms that would suit any kind of doors and interior.
on one hand the door handle i created looks similar to pull handles, but on the other hand it has a standard mechanism being pulled open by unclasping (za natisk nadolu tova namerih).
i have added to the visualization a scheme, where all of the parts have been listed.
number 1 phosphoresces in order to be seen in the darkness (we all well know this problem)
number 2 is a comfortable shape for the hands, as well as the lower side is meant for children and people not able to reach the other one.
thank you very much for the attention.

Yours sincerely,

alexandar tserovski