photonsynthesis image courtesy of vivien muller

photonsynthesis designed by vivien muller, is a usb solar-cell tree in which you can recharge your cellphone and camera. 54 tiny photovoltaic panels store energy in a battery during the day, allowing you to recharge your stuff when necessary. all the necessary wires and plugs are hidden below an electronic bonsai tray. the tree is made from several modules which fit together by a 3.5 jack connector. these pieces can rotate apart individual and produce an endless number of different shapes.

vivien muller: orkys and photonsynthesis individual modules can be rearranged into different formations image courtesy by vivien muller

vivien muller: orkys and photonsynthesis the different sizes of the modules image courtesy by vivien muller

vivien muller: orkys and photonsynthesis orkys image courtesy of vivien muller

orkys is another design by muller which utilizes solar power. an orchid captures energy in its ‘leaves’ to light its flowers. the petals are adjustable to vary the light intensity and the sheets are flexible photovoltaic cells.

vivien muller: orkys and photonsynthesis the photovoltaic sheets which act as leaves image courtesy of vivien muller

vivien muller: orkys and photonsynthesis energy stored in the ‘leaves’ help power the light in the flower image courtesy of vivien muller

vivien muller’s project ‘octocube’ was shortlisted in designboom’s ‘the radical radiators of the future’ competition.