
Abre by josue gonzalez from usa

designer's own words:

i surveyed a group of consumers and the main problem they had with most door handle designs was the difficulty of opening a door with your hands full. the objective of this project was to find a way people could open a door with their hands full and not have to compromise what they are holding. most of the consumers that i studied opening doors would try to open the door with their elbows to i decided to design my door handle based on that. the handle is opened by pushing down on the top of the form. there would be a small area on the top of the form that would help indicate to the consumer that the action is downward. the other indicator is the chicane in the front of the form. the chicane is thicker at the top and the bottom and thin in the middle so when it is pressed down the chicane becomes a singular thickness. there is also a slot on the side of the handle for a key card to slide in or it could have a rfid sensor placed inside the door so it could open when the key holder comes within a designated distance. the door handle would be made our of cast aluminum.


j_gonzalez2.jpg In environment

j_gonzalez2b.jpg Demographic

j_gonzalez3.jpg How it is used

j_gonzalez4.jpg Model

j_gonzalez5.jpg CAD