Busta door handle

Busta door handle by tim Preston from australia

designer's own words:

this project arrises from my interest in military design and how it is a key driver in our culture in the development of objects, yet goes on without engagement in design theory. busta is laser cut from sheet steel, all waste to be recycled. stainless or bright steel is preferred to avoid any secondary finishes. tumbled and polished till smooth to the hand, it can afford to be slightly rough in its appearance ie retain the laser cut marking, to underlie the 'machismo' of its reference. busta is intended to be fun, tactile, yet with a darker edge. fortunately this aggressive form is constrained and repurposed to become a useful everyday object.

busta 1

copy_1_door_handle2.jpg busta 2

copy_1_door_handle3.jpg busta 3

copy_0_door_handle4.jpg busta 4

door_handle5.jpg dimensioned drawing