Door handle design competition

Door handle design competition by sharanya nair from india

designer's own words:

the design is that of a sleek and shiny door handle with sensuous curves.
its having a unique blend of the simplicity of metal and the elegance of wood.
the metal can be of stainless steel to give a shiny look to the handle and teak wood can be a good choice for the polished grip on the same.

Design sketch with measurements

side_view_1.jpg Side view

top_view_1.jpg Top view

with_narrow_wooden_stripes_on_metal_door_1.jpg With narrow wooden stripes on metal background

with_narrow_wooden_stripes_on_wooden_door_2.jpg With narrow wooden stripes on lwooden background

with_wide_wooden_stripes_as_grip_1.jpg With wooden stripes as grip