face off project by andrea frias from portugal
designer's own words:
"face off"
the attention we pay to details is what makes even the smallest of spaces grand. and what makes that space our own is the appropriation of it, the feeling of belonging.
but we are all different, see and feel space in different ways. and this differentiated perception should pass on to details.
every building, office, store or home has different stories to tell us and we hear it as individuals.
the handles are part of physical barriers that “close” or “open” spaces: the doors, we handle that function trough them, touch them, feel: hot, cold, soft, harsh…
following this idea of making the spaces unique and related to the individual, the door handle is customizable with two slabs that unit by a magnet, and they can be made of different materials like: wood, cement, cork and fiber that can be easily changed.
in pursuance of new features we propose the use of the slab as a graphic element to read in braille, this can be use to give helpful information.
the "face off" door handle uses the following materials:
- stainless steel (machined and brushed)
- wood / plastic / cement + resin / porcelain /cork...
- thin magnet