crystal met

crystal met by michael baumgartner from uk

designer's own words:

Crystal met:
the door handle has been inspired primarily from the molecular crystal structure of metal and the characteristics and form of a crystal: beauty, rarity, and durability. The beauty of a crystal depends primarily on its optical properties, and refraction of light, which impart its luster and color;

design criteria:
• size: The design of the door handle has been based on ergonomic data and has incorporate dimensional criteria to allow a sufficient length to permit someone’s hand to surround the handle far enough to grip its circumference as solidly as needed to exert that force to operate it and open the door.
• touch: The proposed handle design aims to accentuate the physical senses and textural feel that the handle grip surface could evoke and create to the user through the touch and operation of the handle. The design endeavors to stimulate the visual senses with its purity, crispiness and light refraction qualities.
• materiality:
The black anodized stainless steel crystal structure forms a distinct door handle. This material and material treatment has been chosen to reflect the basic properties of metal -> durability, strength.
• connection:
The door handle is seen as a pure object. Rose and lever together comprise one unit and all connections are concealed to allow an uninterrupted surface. The point / plane / cut of rotation between lever and rose are accentuated with colour while operated to highlight the cut through element. The colour introduction complements the operating mechanism behind.


copy_1_crystalmet_dhc_02.jpg elevations

copy_1_crystalmet_dhc_03.jpg 3d front view

copy_1_crystalmet_dhc_04.jpg 3d side views

copy_1_crystalmet_dhc_05.jpg 3d handle operation

copy_1_crystalmet_dhc_06.jpg 3d isometric