
flow by roger poon from china

designer's own words:

the very first task is to reduce the material that the handle will look lighter. i trying to remove the material on the handle bar. definitely it works but the strength of the handle will be affected and will feel pointy. i started to thinking the way how to strengthen the handle. finally, i used triangular shape frame design. the different sizes of surface are fit for human palm shape and gives a more comfortable feel when grasp and apply force on the handle.

the bore is simple cylinder and direct connected to the handle bar. it looks direct and not extra unnecessary transitions.

the rose is actually no need to be a fully circular shape. there is no fixing screws or other structure behind the top and bottom area. that, i cut some of the top and the bottom to match the handle bar and also reduced some materials.the handle and the bore will be one piece made by die cast zinc alloy . the geometry design is allow product direct ejected from the tool and need not to have complex tools with sliding block. it suitable for mass production. the rose can be done by normal stamping process. this product is using existing process and equipments.

2d drawing

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