Calligrafia Handle

Calligrafia Handle by trebaol arnaud from france

designer's own words:

In the idea to make a contemporary product in the universe of the brand Colombo Design, the project entitled Calligrafia Handle is based on an uncluttered formal aspect, the quality of materials and a high finish grade of the detail which reflect smart appaearence of this brand.
This lengthenned forms exctract to modern movement, the streamlining, it gives a scuptural as well as a typographic looking.
Although the handle contains many resemblances with one classic (use old mechanism, old fastening with screws), it has nevertheless specificities.
The first characteristic of this object is that handle and latch create the extremities of the product.
The second characteristic is situated in informations wich are transmited to his user. " Absent, don't disturb, Open, Closed ". Those informations informs the user if handle can be manipulated.
In conclusion, Calligrafia Handle is an refined object for Colombo Design, allying sculptural shapes and functionality.



