line up

line up by daniele barosi from italy

designer's own words:

“line up” was created after observing and studying how common handles work, and also reflecting and thinking as achille castiglioni did, when conceiving his “h 310” handle.
when you open a door a handle turns, traces a curve, and goes back to the initial position. “line up” wants to underline this gesture and movement: the handle is not parallel to the ground, but rotated by an angle of 15 degrees, as if to welcome the hand of the user. only when the door is being opened, the handle will be pushed down, stopping when horizontal.
its sides, parallel by twos, create an original geometry that emphasizes this unique feature, suggesting and nearly inducing the unusual orientation.
“line up” is made in die cast brass, with two possible finishes: chrome and mat chrome.
it is formed by two parts: the center block and the lever. fixing these two elements in a different way, with appropriate adjustments, it is possible to create a complete set. here we focused our attention and developed dk, window, and pull handle.


copy_36_05.jpg the handle

copy_20_06.jpg the set