Ergonomic Life

Ergonomic Life by veronica serovet from moldova

designer's own words:

My project of Hands on door handles is an opportunity to unify 3 aspects: ergonomic comfort, aesthetic forms of new vision and ecological material.
I have made an social quiz asking different people to try my handle. I found out that there are 3 different ways of hand action. I had combined 3 positions in this handle projects.
The second step was selecting the material. I had an aim to make a warm handle which has a noble material. Oak wood has remarkable haptic characteristic. It can be combined with other material as ceramic, glass, elevate metal e.t.c. Fortification bar should be made of metal and it should twist in center of handle with metal form.
Talking about form I want to fix that it has many faces on their best place. This way they really creates the comfort. The angles are sloping. Bionic form has its sculpturesque visibility and it becomes forever new being always cognizable.

Ergonomic Life 1

hendle_perspective.jpg Ergonomic Life 2