Door handle with child lock

Door handle with child lock by sachin gangadharan from india

designer's own words:

This design just started from simple box which overlap each other and one move and the other one rest. This can be used in such places where children should not enter especially under 7 year old.
This door handle mainly consist of 5 boxes. 1.which holds the structure attached to the stand.
2.basic part of door handle which acts as a door handle. 3. embedded in the main part which can slide out. 4.which slide out from 3rd one. 5.Acts as lid which can be rotated in different angles to and fro.
When small kids try to open the door,they will be holding this door handle with 1st and 2nd box which will resist the motion down wards so that door will remain shut. So as to pull down 2nd box we will have to pull the lid outwards which forms to a grip(projects out).
This can be made out of steel, the sliding part consist of ball bearings which helps to make the sliding process easier.


copy_2486_1.jpg front elevation-basic form

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copy_2050_3.jpg front elevation-complete extrusion

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copy_109_5.jpg side elevation complete extrusion