Rosa an Bamboo

Rosa an Bamboo by zeiker driss from france

designer's own words:

Because it is the means which allows the passage of a space towards another, the handle of door must take account of two criteria: the first relates to the aspect, the handle of door must be accessible visually, the second criterion relates to that of the contact, it must be pleasant with touched.
In the projects which I present, I worked on the two criteria separately:
For the projects A-1.2 and B-1.2: I used the wood and the bamboo, 100% naturalness and biodegradable, replaceable and especially pleasant with touched.
For the project C-1.2 : through the choice of the rosette, I wanted that the handle belongs to a unit, that this last is attracting and especially visible


copy_49_a2.jpg A-2

copy_52_b1.jpg B-1

copy_56_b2.jpg B-2

copy_52_c1.jpg C-1

copy_51_c2.jpg C-2