
Eight by erez gavish erzo from israel

designer's own words:

the material being used here is metal, and satin finish nickel. the base is attached to the door with 2 simple screws. the base is 10cm long and 5cm wide (at the longestwidest part of the base). the handle measures are 13.5cm and 5cm (at the longestwidest part of the handles). a square pin connects between the handles of both sides of the door. the measures of the pin is 9.8mm X 9.8mm X 5 cm. 3.5cm of the pin is inserted into the handles cut-extrude.

copy_91_untitled1.jpg Front view

copy_11_top_view.jpg Top view

copy_0_left.jpg Left view

assmback.jpg Assembly, rear view

other_materials.jpg Other materials and patterns