geometric elegance

geometric elegance by Sebastian Gonzalez from mexico

designer's own words:

the material of the handle is metallic based on the materials that colombo currently manufactures. i created is based on very simple contemporary shapes focusing on modern users; the straight lines combined with the circle create a very adaptable design into modern constructions, as well as the metallic material, which makes it very easy to combine. after sketching a wide number of ideas I ended up with a design that follows the normal function and direction of a common handle, but combines it with a very modern and elegant design. i used very thin lines to make it elegant and to follow the architectural tendencies so the design will be adaptable to the geometrical shapes. the handle also shows the functional and traditional composition of the handles which makes it familiar to the users and easy to produce. the design is inspired on the idea that going back to the basics is something that’s making a lot of noise now a days, not only in branches of design but also in the ways we live our lives.