push n pull handle

push n pull handle by yogesh khabale from india

designer's own words:

Normally, when we approach an entrance door at a public place, we read the signage in bold letters PUSH / PULL. The signage board on the door specifically asks us to follow the action. But do we really do that ??? The answer is NO.
At least, 90% of the times, people exactly do the opposite of what has been asked to do. The human psychology is such that it reacts immediately to the visionary sense and acts/ reacts accordingly. Also, it is because the door has the indicative nameplate that suggests the action to be done.
But, on the other hand, most of the time the door handle for both push and pull are exactly similar which leads to confusion. As are visionary sense is more active and faster, we tend to act according to the way the handle suggests us to do so. The conclusion is that the design for the door handle is faulty and can be rectified. I have attempted one such solution for the door handle.
The human psychological aspect is considered while evolving the shape , form and size of the door handle. While designing a product, its form, size and shape should be taken into consideration so that its serves the purpose efficiently and does not cause any sort of malfunction. If these factors are not taken into consideration then the design can often be misleading.
The fact that the visionary sense is the most dominant of all the senses is taken into consideration and the handle is designed accordingly
