smart traffic system

smart traffic system by hidetaka karube from japan

designer's own words:

Every once in a while you have some close calls where you almost hit a car, a bike, or a pedestrian.
Every once in a while when you're caught in a traffic jam, you imagine how you could drive so smoothly like the cars going in the other direction.
And every once in a while, you miss the ambulance behind you because you're listening to your music too loud.
A Smart Traffic System, working by a Global and Local Positioning System and an Augmented Reality Car Window, displays information on your window so that the roads are safer for people to walk and drive, you're barely caught in a traffic jam because the roads move for you, and you notice an ambulance coming before you even hear it. This Smart Traffic System can do all of the above and many more to make the roads safer and more convenient.

A Smart Traffic System

copy_0_file002.jpg Global/Local Positioning and an AR Window

copy_0_file003.jpg AR Emergency Lanes, Local Positioning Tracking, and a Smart Traffic System