tivoli for you.

tivoli for you. by regner ramos from usa

designer's own words:

The Times Square ambiance is heavily influenced by the incorporation of billboards. A variety of textures, sizes, colors, designs, and lights all bombard the streets of NYC giving stimuli to everyone passing by. The design for the Tivoli competition began as a desire for a billboard that would seduce the eye of the people, without appearing to be visually heavy and grotesque (NYC has enough of that). This billboard is minimalist, sleek, clean, and beautiful, just like the radios it wishes to represent.It seeks to stand out from the rest of the billboards in Times Square and give order to the marquee and to the eye, all the while keeping in mind the importance of the ten year anniversary. Having researched different models of Tivoli radios, 10 keywords that described the essence of Tivoli Audio were incorporated in the design of the proposal to not only reinforce the unique styles of the radios, but to also help the audience relate to the spirit of Tivoli. The words "for the peaceful", "for the sharp", "for the quiet", "for the loud", "for the vintage", "for the trendy", "for the expressive", and "for the discreet", all referring to Tivoli radios as well as different people's personalities, find coherence in the billboard's design. It seemed to me, impossible to not anchor the billboard to its context, so naturally, the phrase "for the new yorker" is incorporated to aid in the growing sense of pride and flaneur experienced by anyone who visits the Big Apple. This way, when people read the billboard, they'll be reminded of the legendary city that they're in and establish a connection between the city's character and Tivoli Audio. Finally, the most important part of the design culminates in the inclusion of the words "for you" floating over the Tivoli Audio anniversary logo, reminding everyone about the approachability between Tivoli and users, as well as to help seduce the audience into feeling part of the Tivoli familiy. There's a Tivoli radio for mostly all personalities, what this billboard aims to accomplish is to make people aware that there's a Tivoli radio waiting for him/her. When you walk by the marquee, look up, and see this billboard, I assure you that you'll want to go and get yourself a radio. It's made ME want to go out and buy one... and I designed it.

