flat thinking kills

flat thinking kills by Tom Siemek from poland

designer's own words:

This project has many levels to understand.
Firstly, whole concept is intended as a blackboard with lesson sketched on it. It says that this is the first lesson, so as usual during them teachers are giving elementary knowledge that everybody should know.
Second thing is title "FLAT THINKING KILLS". Everything is shown really clearly and emphatically, like we normally doing on a lessons in primary school. That shows that thinking only about our selves and destroying animals environment is equal to still thinking that earth is flat. But why we point to the slogan, and at the same time points the way to extinction for all endangered animals? Animals falling from the edge are powerless. They disappear while falling into the abyss of our forgetfulness and ignorance.
This poster is simple and clear draft, SCHOOL BELL, END OF THE LESSON.

Tom Siemek

flat thinking KILLS

tokyokoniec2p.jpg flat thinking KILLS

tokyokoniec3p.jpg flat thinking KILLS