Make room for wildlife

Make room for wildlife by kristina moersdorf from germany

designer's own words:

"Make room for wildlife" tries to generate awareness for species which are – amongst other reasons – severely endangered by their natural habit shrinking away: elephant, polar bear, rhinoceros, tortoise, gorilla, tiger, shark, seal, wolf, giant panda. The idea behind the initiative is to support actions that preserve their living space – like buying land in Asia or Africa to add to existing wildlife parks or reintroducing e.g. wolves in Polish woods.

The iconographic imagery of the illustrations is deliberately neutral to emphasise the free space around the animals representing the room they need to survive.

Poster hoarding
The living space around the animal in front of the billboard seems to diminish the closer the observer comes.

On mouse over the web banner expands and is temporarily hiding the website's content. The user can choose to follow the link to the initiative's site or collapse the ad in the upper right corner.

The posters

mrfw_02.jpg Hoarding

mrfw_03.jpg Web banner