greenfuneral by willem raymann from netherlands
designer's own words:
In the big cities rapid population growth results in a lack of burial space. The problem of overcrowded graveyards all over the world (despite the fact that most people are cremated). My idea to solve this problem is to bury vertically instead of horizontally. If this burial tradition can be ignored, authorities can save a lot of space - over 80% - and lower the property prices for their inhabitants.
In this concept I show my idea of new peaceful cemetries in green areas in/or nearby the city. Structured design of the graveyards with repect for flora and fauna. The tombs are situated in logical and space saving patterns.
Design of the coffin. Different colors and decorations. Prefab bio plastic shell.
Design of the tomb. Different colors, decorations and models. So no boring graveyards. In bio plastic or aluminium (durable for a very long period). Combinations with granite are possible.