subway routemap 'lucid'

subway routemap 'lucid' by Hanbi Jung from korea

designer's own words:

This is an improved subway route map for sightseers, which is trying to replace the existing route map with several routes on it, with station names and transfer information stacked together in a complicating way.

Unfamiliar station names and several routes crisscrossing each other make it almost impossible for them to find their destinations and this forces them to look at the map over and over again.

In order to solve this difficulty, our new route map tries to provide each route on separate transparent sheets. Since each route is marked on a separate sheet, sightseers, if necessary, can look at each map and find their destinations, not hindered by other routes and station names on them. (*And when they want to identify transfer stations, they can just overlap the sheets and find the transfer stations.)


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