Rain harmony

Rain harmony by sae byeol kim from korea

designer's own words:

"When rainy day, a symphony is heard"

"Everything touched by the rain drops becomes a musical instrument"

"Every scene touched by the rain drops plays a instrument"

In rainy day, as listen closely to murmuring these rain drops,
everyone falls into a feeling of sentiment just like listening to a relaxing tune.

When go for a walk under an umbrella,
the sounds produced when the rain drops touch the umbrella are also like a piece of melody.

Using all the sounds created as the rain drops touch the umbrella,
eventually a piece of music is produced.

Rain Harmony is a designed umbrella which its motive is taken from a Piano.

Making different modulus of elasticity from using the eight of wax clothes of the Rain Harmony,
a variety of sounds can be produced.

It can play many chord and melody like a piano.

Using natural phenomena without special equipment, it provides new life style
which have fun with rainy day.


copy_0_rain_harmony_2.jpg melody and chord

copy_0_rain_harmony_3.jpg product