Hoola tree

Hoola tree by Yu kwang Kang from korea

designer's own words:


Enhancement of economic growth brought material benefits and improved quality of life to most people.
However, the social weak in need of clothes and food still coexist in this reality.

The design philosophy and ethics of Hoolatree are 'considering and sharing'. Hoolatree is designed to take exercise for the health and to help others using it at the same time.
With the mottos of civility as a future citizen and society living altogether, the bright future in which all the people can get along with and live together is described.
The shape of the tree is derived from the fairy tale, 'A Giving Tree' and developed to be balanced and well-proportioned in the way of the figurative arts.

With hula-hoop playing which can be not only simple exercising but playing for many people, the idea of social benefits and usefulness in real life was developed.
It is design to implement in public places such as citizen's park for improvement of people's awareness of design, expansion of true donation culture and making the best of figurative beauty.

Hoolatree plays a role of lights in the dark which store kinetic energy consumed by people.
The more lights of Hollatree are turned on, the high civilities we could recognize.

It is free for use but if you want, you can donate money to the donation box located in the central part.
Your small consideration will be delivered to people in need of help including poorly-fed children.

Accumulated energy in hula-hoop by your hard working out, can be stored via the fuse connected to Hoolatree.

Kinetic energy is transformed into electric energy and stored in Hoolatree in order to be supplied to people in urgent need.
Hoolatrees established in each public place will function as a small size power plant.
